Gym Scoreboards

Gym Scoreboards

Gym scoreboards are essential fixtures in athletic facilities, serving as vital tools for tracking and displaying scores, timing events, and enhancing the overall experience for athletes and spectators alike. Modern gym scoreboards come equipped with advanced technology, offering capabilities beyond basic scorekeeping. They integrate features such as high-definition displays, customizable graphics, and real-time data updates, enhancing visibility and clarity for all participants and viewers. These scoreboards not only facilitate fair competition by providing accurate score updates but also contribute to the atmosphere of excitement and motivation during sports events. Whether in school gyms, community centers, or professional arenas, gym scoreboards play a crucial role in promoting engagement, teamwork, and a sense of achievement among athletes and fans.

Create Opportunities with Video

Beyond the Game

From the moment you start researching a scoring system to the moment you see it proudly standing over your field, our team is there for you every step of the way.

Generate Revenue

Don’t limit yourself by thinking you have to stay small or exceed your budget. Allow us to demonstrate how your venue can maximize revenue potential from your scoring system.

Enhance Entertainment

Upgrade from your traditional scoreboard to a video solution utilizing your current infrastructure, minimizing costs while transforming your stadium atmosphere.

Develop Students

From creating game day content to running the cameras, schools are realizing the opportunities a classroom-integrated video display provides.

New Options & Technology for Scoreboards


FrameWrx by Daktronics is a content creation software that offers professionally-designed templates for high schools to customize.

All-in-one Video + Scoring Control

Keep day game day simple the All Sport Pro™ software—the only control system on the market to combine video operation and scoring into one device.

Mobile Scoring Control

Control your Daktronics scoreboards with your mobile device or tablet. Using Bluetooth® wireless technology and our DAK Score app, control your scoreboards via wired or wireless signal.

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